Wednesday, 3 October 2012

My letter to Zac Goldsmith

I've just sent this letter to Zac Goldsmith; I've sent a similar note my three local (Lib Dem) Councillors)

I would encourage you if you live in Ham, Petersham or Richmond generally to read it.And then please sign the e petition

Dear Zac

I'm rather concerned by a note parents received home yesterday from the Russell School about the proposed changes with Strathmore, essentially asking us to give our blessing to the plans.  I wanted to let you know how I felt and to find out what your position is - I'll be saying no to the proposals and I know many parents feel the same.

Of course, if the question we were asked to answer on the form we were sent was the same topic posed in the covering letter it came with, I may have answered yes - but it isn't. It is a catch all question asking "do you support proposals to rebuild Strathmore school and co-locate a part of Key stage 2 at the Russell School". By ticking yes, parents essentially give carte blanche to all the proposals - both those published and those not published. Which I do not.

My primary concern is that I've been told that  at the public meeting held at the school in the summer (which I think was very badly advertised - I for one knew nothing about it) - parents were informed that not only would Strathmore be knocked down and the land sold for development under the proposals, but so would what is currently the infants at The Russell. Apparently in total up to 15% of the Russell School land is set to be sold

I also understand that councils have a statutory duty to get maximum economic value for the land - this would mean it would be sold for housing.

I am firmly against the selling off of any school land - the loss of the play area at Strathmore, the play areas by the infants and the infant gym (plus whatever other land is included) would inevitably mean less provision for the children to play in and once land has been sold , it's gone for good. Until I know where the council stands on this  and have a guarantee that no Russell School land is to be sold off, I can't support the proposals. I would also rather that Strathmore land was not sold off either.

I am also at a loss why no mention of Russell School land being sold was made on the council consultation website, but it was announced at the meeting. It leaves the whole process open to judicial review at a later stage.

While the covering note says the consultation  is now is about the principles only, by ticking yes parents lay ourselves open to a note in the  near future saying 'Russell School parents have endorsed the plans' - I for one will think its a sad day when the bulldozers move in to the Russell.

I am also wary that the note we have been sent says that the information provided originally at the time 'was not enough to answer the questions of parents' and ' the consultation received few replies'. I know I replied, and I know of others who also did. I suspect we all said no - and this second consultation is about now getting the 'right' answer. Certainly, if the letter sent home is meant to explore the issues in full, it hardly paints the whole picture. It is very one sided. I am also hearing people asking about organising a vote of no confidence in the Chair of Governors

Of course, I am all for the best possible educational resources for children at both Strathmore and The Russell School. I am delighted if new investment is being made. But I would need to know a lot more about what is proposed and how it is to be funded before I would tick the yes box.

I would like to know your position on this issue.

Yours sincerely

Richard Morris

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