We would encourage everyone to write expressing their views to...
Robert Henderson, Assistant Director, Protective and Preventative Services at Richmond Council (r.henderson@richmond.gov.uk)
Nick Whitfield, Director of Children's services (nick.whitfield@richmond.gov. uk)
Gillian Norton, Chief Executive, (g.norton@richmond.gov.uk)...and let us know what they say.
Questions To Robert Henderson
Why was the timeline not part of the consultation
document (as you wrote in your letter). Why was there no mention of the
possibility of the sale of land at The Russell School in the consultation
document (yet it is mentioned in the missing timeline)
Why does the consultation document claim that new
buildings are vital to Strathmore improving its OFSTED rating from ‘Good’ to
‘Outstanding’ when the OFSTED report makes no mention of the buildings, and
cites a) teaching issues and b) the performance of the governing body at
Strathmore as the issues that need changing.
Was it indeed suggested to parents in the 24th
July meeting that rebuilding Strathmore on the current site was a possibility?
If so, what has changed?
Is it true that the Council has already allocated
funds from reserves for development work at Grey Court and Clifden? Why has no
money from reserves been allocated for The Russell?
Can you confirm the valuations that the Council has
received on the Strathmore and Russell School land, and also the estimates the
council has received for the rebuild
Why, if the consultation is about the best model of
care for the children, have parents been given no evidence either way for the
proposed model on which to base their judgement?
Could you confirm you are aware of the on line
petition against this proposal and that you have noted the numbers signing it?
Could you also confirm you are aware that Russell school parents voted against
these proposals?
Could you confirm there is no truth to the rumours
circulating that Council officials asked Governors not to share aspects of
their thinking with the wider school and local community?
Can you confirm that the council has not commissioned
any other studies into potential impacts of developing on the Strathmore/Russell
school sites (which would seem somewhat premature given this is an informal
initial consultation).
Can you confirm that in the two days Russell School
parents were informed they had to complete the on line consultation document,
that the document was down and incapable of taking comment?
Why was no meeting arranged for Russell School
Parents as it was for Strathmore?
Why were parents not told in writing that land at The
Russell school could be sold to developers until after the consultation forms
had been returned?
Can you confirm that other funding options will be
looked at for the development that do not include any sale of school land. Can
you also confirm that the Council will not sell the Strathmore land if other
funds are found?
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